mp1=.Show:/me is running [╗FRoZeNv2.o½] ⌐1996, iCeMaN-
mp2=.About:/say I am running [╗FRoZeNv2.o½] Featuring Excellent FLood Protection and Massive Clone FLooding, written 100% from scratch, ⌐1996, By: iCeMaN-
lp69=.Op Vote:/onotice a FRoZeN Op Vote is in effect. Please /msg $me with a vote to op $1 or not within the next 60 secs. | /enable #VOTE | /timer 1 70 /disable #VOTE | /timer 1 90 /onotice YES: %vyes | /onotice NO: %vno | /timer 1 100 /set %vyes 0 | /set %vno 0
lp70=.Kick Vote:/onotice a FRoZeN Kick Vote is in effect. Please /msg $me with a vote to kick $1 or not within the next 60 secs. | /enable #VOTE | /timer 1 70 /disable #VOTE | /timer 1 90 /onotice YES: %vyes | /onotice NO: %vno | /timer 1 100 /set %vyes 0 | /set %vno 0
lp71=.Ban Vote:/onotice a FRoZeN Ban Vote is in effect. Please /msg $me with a vote to ban $1 or not within the next 60 secs. | /enable #VOTE | /timer 1 70 /disable #VOTE | /timer 1 90 /onotice YES: %vyes | /onotice NO: %vno | /timer 1 100 /set %vyes 0 | /set %vno 0
lp72=.Flood Vote:/onotice a FRoZeN Flood Vote is in effect. Please /msg $me with a vote to Flood $1 or not within the next 60 secs. | /enable #VOTE | /timer 1 70 /disable #VOTE | /timer 1 90 /onotice YES: %vyes | /onotice NO: %vno | /timer 1 100 /set %vyes 0 | /set %vno 0
lp74=.Ops about Takeover:/onotice $1 has taken over before!! We are gonna have to terminate $1!!
lp75=.Person who Tookover:/notice $1 You have taken over before and now you will be banned FOREVER!!!
lp76=.Ops about Lamer:/onotice $1 is a Lamer!! Kick him imediately!!
lp77=.Lamer:/notice $1 Get outta this channel now or we'll kick ya LAMER!!!!
lp78=.Fag:/notice $1 Get outta this channel you FAGGOT!! Go to #gay!!! | /invite $1 #gay
lp79=.Pervert:/notice $1 You are a Pervert!! We don't allow Pervs in this channel!! Go somewhere that you're wanted at or we'll kick ya!!! Lamah!!!
lp80=.Asshole:/notice $1 Get outta Here Asshole!!! Join #assholes!!! | /invite $1 #assholes
lp81=.Warn:/notice $1 We are getting sick of your SHIT!!! This is your last Warning!!
lp82=.Serverops:/notice $1 I saw that attempted takeover! This is your last warning!!!
lp83=.Flooder:/notice $1 I noticed you love to flood!!! If you don't stop I'll flood you so bad your modem will explode!!!!!
lp84=.ShitNick:/notice $1 You have a Shitty Nick! Please change it in 30 secs or else you will be kicked!!
lp85=.Other:/notice $1 $?="Enter Notice To Person:"
lp87=.Slap:/me slaps $1 around a bit with a $?="Slapping Tool:"
lp88=.Rose:/me hands $1 a rose -----> @----->-----
lp89=.Kiss:/me smooches $1 on the cheak!
lp90=.Beer:/me slides $1 an Ice Cold $?="Enter Beer:"
lp91=.Soda:/me slides $1 an Ice Cold $?="Enter Soda:"
lp92=.Rofl:/me is rolling on the floor laughing his ass off at $1!!
lp93=.Punch:/me is repeatedly punching $1's face in!
lp94=.Shit:/me is rubbing shit all over $1's face! ooooh!
lp95=.Ops:/me sees that there isn't a @ in front of $1's name! | /me decides to put a @ in front of $1's name so $1 doesn't feel left out!!! | /mode # +o $1 | /say Here you go $1!!
lp96=.Fake Op:/me sets mode +o $1
lp97=.Fake Deop:/me sets mode -o $1
lp98=.Tobacco:/me spits a big mouthful of Tobacco Juice in $1's face! SPITTTT!!!!!!!
lp99=.Other:/me $?="Enter Rest of Action:"
lp102=..Normal:/kick # $1 Just a normal everyday kick!
lp103=..FRoZeN:/kick # $1 Get [╗FRoZeNv2.o½] LaMaH!!
lp104=..iCeKiLL:/kick # $1 iCeKiLL sux!! Get [╗FRoZeNv2.o½] LaMaH!!
lp105=..Lamer:/kick # $1 L-A-M-E-R
lp106=..Fag:/kick # $1 THIS ISN'T FAGS ' R ' US!!! NO FAGS ALLOWED!!!
lp107=..Ops!:/kick # $1 Here's you ops!!
lp108=..KckTakeover:/kick # $1 Never Takeover # $+ !!!
lp109=..Dweeb:/kick # $1 No DWEEBS Allowed!!
lp110=..Pervert:/kick # $1 PERVERT!!
lp111=..Flooder:/kick # $1 NO FLOODING ASSHOLE!!!
lp112=..Other:/kick # $1 $?="Enter Kick Message:"
lp113=.Wordy Kicks
lp114=..Annoying:/kick #$1 Get out you annoying piece of shit!! | /ignore $1 3 | /notice $1 Mess with us again and I'll flood your ass!!! | /timer 1 180 /ignore -r $1 3
lp115=..Timer Kick:/say Timer Kick!!! $1 Will be kicked in 10 Seconds!!! | /timer 1 10 /kick # $1 Ö^ÖTimer KickÖ^Ö
lp116=..Shut Up:/say $1 has been placed on a Shut The Hell Up Kick for the next 60 Seconds!!! | /auser 24 $1 | /timer 1 60 /ruser $1
lp117=..Shotgun:/say $1 get ready for the blast of your life!!! | /kick # $1 BOOM!!!! Dead!!!
lp118=..Karate:/say I'M A 10TH DEGREE BLACK BELT!!! | /kick # $1 WAAAYUAHHH!!! SLAM!!!!!! | /timer 1 4 /say PIECE OF CAKE!
lp119=..Punt:/me was an NFL Kicker for 10 Years!! | /me is ready to perform the best kick of his Career!!! | /me is running after $1 $+ !!! | /kick # $1 60 YARDS!!! IT'S GOOD!!!
lp120=..Punch:/me Takes a crash Course in Boxing! | /me Uses $1 as his favorite Punching Bag! BANG!!!! POW!!!! BOOM!!!! JAM!!!!!!!! BOOOCH!!!!!! | /kick # $1 TKO!!!!
lp121=..T2Kick:/me points his ShotGun at $1 | /say Hasta La Viesta, Baby! | /timer 1 2 /kick # $1 I'll Be Back!!
lp122=..iCeKiLL:/me notices that $1 is using iCeKiLL which is an old ass script by iCeMaN-.. | /me decides to end this lameness!! | /notice $1 Get [╗FRoZeNv2.o½] LaMaH!! | /msg $1 Get [╗FRoZeNv2.o½] LaMaH!! | /kick # $1 iCeKiLL sux!! Get [╗FRoZeNv2.o½] LaMaH!!
lp123=..FRoZeN:/me notices that $1 has an old version of FRoZeN.. | /me decides to put an end to this lameness!! | /notice $1 Get [╗FRoZeNv2.o½]!!!! | /msg $1 Get [╗FRoZeNv2.o½]!!!! | /kick # $1 Get [╗FRoZeNv2.o½] LaMaH!!
lp124=..FreezeBan:/me opens his mouth and blows big winds of iCe at $1! | /me watches as $1 goes flying right out of the channel! | /ban # $1 1 | /kick # $1 |-öFR⌠ZΩNö-| | /timer 1 300 /mode # -b $address | /notice $1 Come Back in 5 Minutes!
lp125=.MK Kicks
lp126=..Scorpion:/nick Scorpion | /timer 1 4 /me Kicks the hell outta $1!! | /timer 1 5 /me rips off his face and a big burst of FIRE breathes out! FFFFHHHH!! | /timer 1 6 /kick # $1 Ö^ÖFATALITYÖ^Ö
lp127=..Kano:/nick Kano | /timer 1 4 /me smashes $1 in the face with his steal face plate! BAM!!!! | /timer 1 5 /me flips in the air bashing $1 right out of the channel! | /timer 1 6 /kick # $1 FLAWLESS VICTORY
lp128=..Raiden:/nick Raiden | /timer 1 4 /me launches a big blast of LIGHTNING at $1! | /timer 1 5 /me then TORPEDO attacks $1! /timer 1 6 /me TELEPORTS behind $1 and uppercuts $1 right into a pit of spikes!! | /timer 1 7 kick # $1 AAAAAhhhh
lp129=..Cage:/nick JCage | /timer 1 4 /me does the splits and punches $1 where it counts!! BONG!!! | /timer 1 5 /me then throws a green fireball at $1's head! | /timer 1 6 /kick # $1 CAGE WINS!! FLAWLESS VICTORY!
lp130=..Kang:/nick LiuKang | /timer 1 4 /me Shoots a Bright Red FireBall at $1 | /timer 1 5 /me then does a Flying Jump Kick faster then $1 can say SHIT! | /timer 1 6 /kick # $1 FINISH HIM!
lp131=..Sub-Zero:/nick Sub-Zero | /timer 1 4 /me Shoots an iCe Beam over to $1 | /timer 1 5 /me Uppercuts $1 to the top of the channel and back down! FINISH HIM! | /timer 1 6 /me Rips $1's head and Spine right out of $1's body! | /timer 1 7 /kick # $1 Ö^ÖFATALITYÖ^Ö
lp132=..Sonya:/nick Sonya | /timer 1 4 /me Does Scissor Grab on $1 and flips $1 around the channel breaking $1's Neck! | /timer 1 5 /me then blows a kiss to $1 in the shape of a Fireball!! | /timer 1 6 /kick # $1 KISS OF DEATH
lp133=..Reptile:/nick Reptile | /timer 1 4 /me Jumps out from thr forest and spits poisonous venom at $1!! | /timer 1 5 /me disappears back into the dark forest unseen! | /timer 1 6 /kick # $1 REPTILE WINS! | /timer 1 7 /nick Darkness
lp136=.Version:/ctcp $1 version
lp137=.Ping:/ctcp $1 ping
lp138=.Finger:/ctcp $1 finger
lp139=.Time:/ctcp $1 time
lp140=.Userinfo:/ctcp $1 userinfo
lp141=.Clientinfo:/ctcp $1 clientinfo
lp142=.Page:/ctcp $1 page
lp143=.xDCC:/ctcp $1 xdcc $$?="Enter Package or List:"
lp145=.Chat:/dcc chat $1
lp146=.Send:/dcc send $1 $$?="Enter path and file name:"
lp147=.Send FRoZeN:/dcc send $1
bp1=User Modes
bp3=..Yes:/mode $me +i
bp4=..No:/mode $me -i
bp5=.Server Messages
bp6=..Yes:/mode $me +s
bp7=..No:/mode $me -s
bp8=.Server Kills
bp9=..Yes:/mode $me +k
bp10=..No:/mode $me -k
bp12=..Yes:/mode $me +w
bp13=..No:/mode $me -w
bp15=.All Modes
bp16=..Yes:/mode $me +ksiw
bp17=..No:/mode $me -ksiw
bp20=..On:/events on
bp21=..Off:/events off
bp23=..On:/commands on
bp24=..Off:/commands off
bp26=..On (F2):/remote on | /events on | /commands on
bp27=..Off (F3):/remote off
bp29=.Flush Users:/flush
bp30=.List Users
bp31=..Shitlist:/ulist 25
bp32=..Op:/ulist 50
bp33=..Bot:/ulist 75
bp34=.Remove Levels
bp35=..Shitlist:/rlevel 25
bp36=..Op:/rlevel 50
bp37=..Bot:/rlevel 75
bp38=Clone Stuff
bp39=.CloneHelp:/chelp | /notice $me Look in status window